The citizen of a third country who is interested in studying in Greece should apply for and receive a national entry visa for studies and then submit an application to the locally competent Foreigners and Immigration Service of the Decentralized Administration for the granting of the relevant residence permit.
In order to be granted an entry visa, the interested party must have been accepted to a higher educational institution in the Greek Territory to attend a study program, while in addition it is necessary to have paid registration fees to the relevant educational institution, where required, and finally to have sufficient resources to cover his living expenses during his stay in Greece.
After obtaining the national (type D) entry visa for study purposes, the interested party should enter Greece and submit an application for the issuance of a residence permit due to studies, submitting a certificate of registration and payment of fees to the relevant educational institution, a fee of 150 Euros, parental consent or of the person exercising parental care for the intended stay in case he is under 18 years of age and finally evidence proving that he has sufficient resources to cover his study and living expenses in Greece. Citizens of third countries who have received a residence permit for study purposes are only allowed to work part-time in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the relevant legislation.
The residence permit for studies is valid for one year and can be renewed for an equal period if the conditions are met. The total time of renewal of the residence permit cannot exceed the period of normal study equal to the minimum number of semesters necessary for the award of the degree according to the indicative study program of the faculty, increased by four semesters and by half for students postgraduates or PhD candidates. An additional year is added to this time period for learning the Greek language, as long as this has been requested by the relevant educational institution.
After the completion of the studies, the students who have been granted a residence permit according to the above, can stay in Greece for a period of one (1) year, in order to look for a job or set up a business. Students who wish to be subject to this arrangement must hold a higher education degree. For this purpose, the student submits the higher education diploma to the competent authorities as evidence. After at least three (3) months from the issuance of the residence permit in accordance with the above, third-country nationals are required to prove to the competent agency that they have a real possibility of being employed or setting up a business and that the job sought by the third-country national or the business he is going to set up corresponds to the level of studies completed.
After making the payment (at this stage an advance payment of 30% of the total fee is paid), we will contact you to send the required supporting documents, so that the process can proceed. If you are not sure that you have the necessary conditions, before proceeding with the payment contact our office either by phone (2313 079293) or by email (info@siopi–