Initial granting of residence permit for financially independent persons

According to Law no 4251/2014 (20) (Immigration code), third-country citizens (besides the EU), who are financially independent, i.e., they have sufficient resources from a fixed annual income to cover their living expenses without carrying out any work or independent economic or investment activity in Greece (income earners, high-income pensioners, etc.), can obtain a residence permit in Greece.

In order a third-country national to obtain a residence permit in Greece as a financially independent person, one must apply to the Greek Consulate of his place of residence for the issuance of a long-term entry visa (type D), proving that he can cover his living expenses in Greece, without having to work or engage in any economic activity. The third-country national can also be accompanied by his family members, who must submit a separate application for the issuance of a long-term entry visa to the competent Greek consular authority.

In order the third-country national to obtain a residence permit in Greece as a financially independent person, one must have an amount of money of about 2,000€ per month. This amount is increased by 20% for the spouse and by 15% for each child who wishes to bring with him to Greece. The existence of this amount is proven by evidence such as pension or the bank account. In addition to the supporting documents proving the existence of sufficient financial resources in accordance with the above, the third-country national must also provide a certificate of full medical care and hospitalization coverage, during his stay in Greece (e.g., private insurance contract) or an insurance institution certificate that states the submission of a relevant application.

After receiving the long-term entry visa (type D) and entering Greece, the third-country national must apply to the competent Decentralized Administration for the granting of a residence permit. The residence permit for financially independent persons has a duration of two years and is subsequently renewed every three years, while it does not provide access to the labor market.

After the payment has been made (at this stage an advance payment of 30% of the total fee is paid), we will contact you to send us the required supporting documents, so that the process can proceed. If you are not sure that you have the necessary conditions, you can contact our office, either by phone (2313 079293) or by email (info@siopi–, before proceeding with the payment.

1,600.00 (price without 24% VAT)

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